Building [collective identity] together.
What would the community center of the future look like if new attention were paid to its architecture? What influence does the architecture have on the image of the community center?
‘Ons Huis: de toekomst van het buurthuis’ exhibition & research.
What would the community center of the future look like if new attention were paid to its architecture? What influence does the architecture have on the image of the community center?
PROGRAMMERING: Ons Huis: de toekomst van het ‘buurthuis’
What would the community center of the future look like if new attention were paid to its architecture? What influence does the architecture have on the image of the community center?
‘Thuis in Plan van Gool’, Museum Amsterdam Noord
Working together with Museum Amsterdam Noord, programmer Laura van Roemburg and with the support of the Architekten Cie., this exhibition in 2023 celebrated the 55-year existence of the housing project Plan van Gool in Amsterdam Noord.
‘Feeling at Home’ In Amsterdam
As the narrative of home becomes increasingly challenged by the pressures of time and money, we want to recall and expose the importance of story, identity and emotion in modern housing design.
de Philharmonie as “Design Platform”.
The installation concept for the Philharmonie was developed together with the Philharmonie in Haarlem and van Dongen-Koschuch | Architects and Planners, and launched on the 14th of April 2015. The project continued for four consecutive years.
Curving the light
A simple and sophisticated kitchen design on the Vondelkerkstrat in Amsterdam that maximizes light and creates a social gathering space, made by local craftsmen and using sustainable materials.
Multi-generational space
A renovation design planning for the future; optimising the functionality of the home, and enabling it to house multiple generations.